
Thursday 28 November 2019

Mia The Inspiring Speaker!

Mia The Inspiring Speaker!

On the 26th of November we were lucky enough to have a 17 year old girl named Mia come in and talk to us about her journey in life! It all started when she was 11,  she was having trouble with spelling and maths, so she was moved down a grade, later in the year they got a new deputy principal and introduced her into robotics. If you dont know what robotics is it is like coding. Anyways, she went to her first competition and made and placed third then they went of to Canterbury's ,and won first place with the same code. Ever since then she has continued robotics to this day.

Lets Get Our Jump Jam On!

Lets get Our Jump Jam On!

At st Francis of Assisi school you have the option to audition for the jump jam team, I auditioned and I got a spot on the team as a reserve. I still got to participate in lots of performances though which was fun. The girls wore shiny blue leotards with shiny blue leggings over top, and silver ruffles on there arms and legs they also wore head bands. The group did dancing queen as there routine. If you dont know what jump jam is then it is a exercise were you jump around doing cool dance moves. I dont have any photos but I can tell you it was great to watch.

Would you do jump jam?

If You Like Reading Read This Blog!

If You Like Reading Read This Blog!

At St Francis of Assisi school we have the option to do Lit Club. Lit club is a club that you can get badges and write book reviews to earn them. I have nearly earned my bronze bage. Today I am going to be sharing with you my book review. I did mine about my favourite book called the Thea sisters and the Hollywood hoax, it is a book written by Elizabetta Dami. It's about the Thea sisters and they got on a sunny trip to California, but you'll have to read the book to find out what else happens!

What is your favourite book?

Terrific Top Team!

Terrific Top Team!

At st Francis of Assisi school we had to participate in top team. Top team is a excerice with water activities and team building challenges. Some of the activities were house of  cards were you had to build towers of cards against a team and whoever got the tallest amount won, then there was the water bus, where you had to tip water over your head and try to get in the person behind yous bucket I got soaked, then there was the maze where your teacher had a track and you and you group had to guess which way you had to go, there was also many more challenges. My favourite challenge was the water bus because it involved getting wet. This challenge was so much fun and I am very happy that I got to participate in it.

What would your favourite challenge be?

Letter Writing!

Letter Writing!

In the tumu hub for writing we have been doing letter writing, we had to write 4 formal letters and 1 informal letter. My favourite letter I have written has been the won to the south African government about the springbok tour and how I think it isn't fair how they were treating the blacks( the letter was made to be in the 1980s) I really enjoy letter writing because i like to write letters to people. Here is my letter I wrote about the springbok tour.

Dear South African Government
I am Writing you this letter, because I don't think it is fair how you are dividing the blacks and the whites. I don’t know why you think whites are better than blacks? In my opinion it is not fair that you let the whites play rugby and not the blacks, just because the colour of their skin is different, doesn't make the whites any better. 
New Zealand choose not to play the South Africa rugby team as some of us New Zealanders found it racist and cruel, how you have been discriminating the blacks, and more started to agree. Please change the way you treat the members in your country.

What would you wright your letter about?

Christmas Poetry!!

Christmas Poetry!!!

In the Tumu hub lately we have been doing Christmas poetry so far we have done limericks, haiku and acrostic. My favourite so far has been a limerick! For a limerick you have to make the 1st the 2nd and the 5th sentence rhyme and the 3rd and 4th sentences to rhyme. This poem has been my favourite because I like making things rhyme and it is my favourite type of poem. Here is my limerick!

Christmas Limerick
From out of the bright and snowy dome,
Santa is now travelling to your home,
He’s read what you wrote,
On your please Santa note,
And now your present is wrapped, wasn't it a comb?

What is your favourite type of poem?

Maths boards 101!

Maths Boards 101!

Today I am going to be talking to you about maths boards and how you can do them at home! We have been learning about these all year and I think it has really improved my learning skills for maths. How you do it is you start of with a question in the middle, and then in 4 other boxes you would write a word problem, solve it numerically, solve it visually and solve it another way. These ways show you that you really know how to solve the question in the middle. I hope you have learnt something new in this blog post, here is a picture of my math board!

What type of maths is your favourite?

Thursday 21 November 2019


The Tough Kid Challenge!

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog, and today I'm going to be talking to you about the tough kid challenge. On the 20th of November we were lucky enough to have the option to go to the tough kid challenge, it was a 2.5k run with 17 activities throughout the race, and around 5000 kids competed throughout the 2 days of the challenge. The activities included were jumping on bouncy castles, jumping over tires and ropes, swimming in the sea and sliding on slippery water slides. My favourite part of this challenge was swimming in the sea it was loads of fun, and it got all the mud of me. This activity diffenitly made my fitness level go up. This challenge was so much fun and I really want to do it again.

Would You Do The Tough Kid Challenge?

Monday 11 November 2019

All About St Mary Mackillop

All About St Mary Mackillop

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog, today im going to be showing you my communion of saints work. In the tumu hub we had to research about a saint and make a slide google drawing or doc about him/her. I chose to do St Mary Mackillop, and I did it on a google drawing, here it is...

Who's your favourite saint?

Wednesday 6 November 2019

Going Back In Time At Ferry Mead!

Going Back In Time At Ferry Mead!

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog, today I'm going to be talking to you about our trip to ferry mead. It was a warm Tuesday morning on October 29th and the tumu hub was ready to go on there big trip to ferry mead. We sat on the big bus and drove of. When we got there, most of our faces opened up with excitement. Our session was about the past of new Zealand. Before the fun began we were told the rules which were, keep your back straight, look after your shoes, children to be seen not heard and ladies before gentleman. After we were told the rules we got to dress up like the kids in the olden days, we wore a red, green or blue dress and a white apron over the top. Then we got sorted into our groups, then half of us went to morning tea and the other half played a game called "its in the bag", then we switched so my group half morning tea we had cheerios, animal crackers, marmite crackers and lamingtons. After this we got to explore the park in our groups, in my group was me, Eilish, Sophie, Beth, Carter, Zac, Blake, Noah and my parent help was Liz. My favourite parts were the jail and the school, at the jail there was a man who had a voice speaker and started to talk in a croaky tired voice. Then at the school we pretended it was the olden days, we had to sit up straight, we weren't aloud to make one sound, we had to write with a feather dipped in ink, then we were dismissed. At this trip to ferry mead a learnt loads, and managed to come back with a brain full of facts about the olden days.

Have You Ever Been To Ferry Mead Before, If So What Was Your Favourite Part?