
Wednesday 29 April 2020

All About Maths!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well. This week for math we have been talking about theoretical probability's. Firstly we had to do a quiz about probability, then go onto a spin the wheel website and put six different things to do in quarantine and spin the wheel 30 times and see what it landed on the most, and then make three statements about it. Here is my work.

What statements do you think I could've made?


Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is safe at home in quarantine. This week for writing we have been focusing on contractions, words ending in Y and C vs K. We had to watch 1 video about each thing, then on a collaborative doc show one thing we learnt about each things. Then we had to do a quiz about those three things. Our create task was to make a DLO showing 2 rules about each thing  that apply to that topic, here is mine.

Did you learn anything about contractions, words ending in Y or C vs K if so what?

Tuesday 28 April 2020

Anzac Day!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well. This week for reading we have been reading bout Anzac Day. Firstly we had to read a text, I read Harry's war. After we read the text we had to do a flipgrid video and think of one important idea and justify why it is important on the video. For our create task we had to chose to make a slide a comic or a text event template. I chose the template here it is.

What do you know about Anzac Day?

Wednesday 22 April 2020

Place Value!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well in quarantine. The last 2 weeks for online math we have been getting to pick a strategy to focus on this week I chose place value. There is a google drawing with each 2 videos for each strategy the options were rounding and compensation, equal addition, reversibility, place value, standard written form. I chose place value, we had to chose a way to show our understanding of the strategy I chose to do a slide, here it is.

What is your favourite strategy to use in math? Mines is equal adjustments:)

What Makes A Good Report?

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well and safe at home. This week for writing we have been focusing on our reports. We have been talking about "What makes a good report"? Our task was to make a slideshow with three different slides on it. Each slide had to have one different thing on what we think makes a good report. We had to change the thing that the question said, and show what it looked like before we changed it and after we changed it. Here is what I did...

What do you think makes a good report?


Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well. This week for reading we are learning about fake news! Our task was to write a infographic on fake news and what we have learnt. Now you may have never heard of a infographic, as before my reading workshop I din't know it existed. A infographic is a visual representation of information. Here is my infographic!

Have you ever heard of a infographic?

Wednesday 15 April 2020

Online School!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is safe at home. Today was my first day of online school, I had 3 google meets for Reading, Writing and Math. For reading we talked as a whole hub on the call and talked about our task which was making connections we had to read 2 texts and making connections and life experiences, here is my work . Next was Writing my writing teacher is Mrs Wilson, our task was to take a paragraph from our report and make it better using a thesaurus here is my work . Next workshop was Math with Miss Parker, we got to chose a strategy I chose equal adjustments, we had to watch 2 videos on that strategy, and then answer six practise questions. Our create task was to pick one of the practise questions and share it on a screencastify using the strategy that we chose, here is my screencastify / Work On Doc . Some other things on my timetable were to read a book, I am currently reading Thea Stilton and the Hollywood Hoax. And the final task was to do a whanau task I chose one that taught you how to draw a unicorn here is a picture of my drawing.

                                               Overall I had a great day doing online school ( I prefer it over normal school ๐Ÿ˜‚ )

Do you enjoy online school, if so why if not why not?

Thursday 9 April 2020

Can You Guess It?

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing ok. Today I am going to be describing something and in the comments I want you to guess what I am describing but be specific.

I have 4 legs but I can't walk, I seat several people, meals are usually served on me especially the formal meals what am I?

WHAT AM I? - Test - YouTube

Guess in the comments what I am? P.S Be specific.

Are Zoo's Good Or Bad?

Hello and welcome back to my blog, today I am going to be telling you if I think zoo's are good or bad?

Zoo's are great right? You get to be up close and feed some amazing animals that you’d pretty much never get to see in the wild. Clearly, zoos are a win for people. But when it comes to animals they aren't as happy as humans. All animals are so caged in, they don't get to explore the great outdoors, where many of the animals at the zoo belong. Zoo's are great entertainment but the animals probably just want to step on one different piece of land for just a few minutes. So personally I do like going to the zoo but I feel bad for all the animals who don't get to leave a 1-5 metre cage.

Watch The Zoo | Full Season | TVNZ OnDemand

Do you like the zoo, if so why or why not?

Tuesday 7 April 2020

The Game Of Life!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well. Today I will be talking you about my favourite board game and which ones I recommend and why.

My favourite board game-
The game of life. 

Why I like the game of life-
I like this game because you can make your own decisions, earn money, by a house and win different things along the way.

Why I recommend it- I recommend the game of life because, it is a great family game, it's loads of fun to play and gives you an insight to what life could be like when we are older

Would you play the game of life, if so why?

Acrostic Poem!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is safe at home during quarantine. Today we had to write a poem of our choice. Here is mine it's on friends!







What do you think was the best word I used in my poem?

Friday 3 April 2020

Scavenger Hunt!?!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well. Today our task was to go around our house and find 1 thing for each letter of the alphabet. Here is what I found:

What do you think was the best or different one that I found?

5 Things I'd Take On A Trip To Space!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope every one is safe at home in quarantine. Today I am going to be telling you 5 things I would bring to space!

What I would bring-

  1. Firstly, I would bring fluids, to keep me hydrated.                                                                                    
  2. Secondly, I would bring food so I won't starve, I would bring breakfast, lunch, dinner & snacks.
      3. Thirdly, I would bring books, to keep me occupied when i'm not exploring space.

      4. Next, I would bring sleeping supplies, pillows and blankets or a sleeping bag to keep me warm.

      5. Lastly, I would bring a camera/phone, so I could take photos of space.

Thanks for reading my blog :)
What would you bring to space?

Thursday 2 April 2020

Homemade bouncy ball!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is enjoying there time at home! Today I a did a science experiment called bouncing ball, and I am going to teach you how to do it.

What you will need-

  • Microwavable dish
  • Spoon for mixing
  • 50 ml of water
  • 3 tablespoons of cornstarch/corn flour
  • Food colouring ( any colour )
     Step 1-
Pour the cornflour into the dish, add 25 ml of water mix well suing a spoon.
  Step 2-
Heat the mixture in the microwave for 20 seconds
  Step 3-
Add another 25 ml of water and 1 drop of food colouring
  Step 4
Mix well using a spoon then roll into a ball shape
  Step 5-
Place the ball in the microwave for 15 seconds to set the shape
 Step 6-
The final product!

I hope you try this bouncy ball recipe!
What have you been doing to keep you busy?

Ice Cream!!!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well. Today I am going to be talking to you about my favourite and least favourite ice cream flavour.

My favourites ice creams are-

  • Cookies and cream
  • French vanilla
  • Hokey Pokey
  • Toffee baked churros
My least favourites are-
  • Any chocolate ice cream
  • Mint choc chip
  • Boysenberry
  • Goody goody gum drop
Thank you for reading my blog, 
Whats your favourite and least favourite ice cream flavours?

Wednesday 1 April 2020

Locked down at my house!

Hello and welcome back to my blog, I hope everyone is doing well.

Today I will be talking to you about what I have been doing during the locked down. The mornings are usually the same I wake up at 8:30 - 9 get up and have some breakfast, which is usually a waffle or cereal. After that I make my bed, get dresses and then go for a at least 30 minute bike ride. After my bike ride I usually play a board game or go on my Ipad, ( my favourite board game is battleships or game of life ) Then at 12 pm its lunch time! Usually we would just get our own lunch but somedays my dad makes us a cooked lunch. Usually I would have vogels bread with cheese and salami, it might not sound good but trust me, give it a try and you will love it. After that somedays me and my mum would go for a 30 minute walk or do some baking, recently I made some delicious red velvet cupcakes with cream cheese frosting. After lunch I will do some maths or read a book, the book I am reading right now is Thea Stilton and the mystery in Paris. After that i usually would go outside with my sister if it's a nice day if not I would watch some Netflix or Disney +. Then around 6 pm it's dinner time some different meals we have are chicken wraps, vegetarian nachos, roast chicken and many more. We have desert every second night it would usually be ice cream but since I have given that up for lent it is usually just a Popsicle. then at 9 pm I will go to bed and maybe read for a bit or just go to sleep.
I hope everyone is safe and doing well๐Ÿ˜€

What have you being doing to occupy yourself during this time?