
Thursday 29 August 2019

Why Does Extinction Happening?

Explanation Writing!
Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog and today I'm going to be talking to you about writing. In the Tumu hub we are doing explanation writing, we had to choose a topic ( any topic we wanted ) and explain in our writing how it works , how you do it or why it is happening. I chose to do why does extinction happen, I chose this topic because I really love animals, and I wanted to know why they were going extinct. Here is my story on why does Extinction Happens.

Why Does Extinction Happen?

Extinction is considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, so today I'm going to be telling you why extinction is happening.

My first reason on why extinction is happening is because of pollution. 4.6 tonnes of gas comes out of one gas powered car alone per year, and that's only one car think of all the gas powered cars there are in the world? That’s right! There are about 70 million gas powered cars, thats a lot of gas! You may not think it but it goes into animals air and causes them to die, because of all that gas, animals are now living in a treacherous environment, and we certainly don't want that.

Secondly, let’s just take a minute and ask ourselves another reason why extinction is happening? It is happening because of hunting. I know that a lot of us humans go hunting quite often but if we keep shooting deer, birds and bunnies, they will become extinct. If there is a bullet in a small animals tummy it is very unlikely to survive, in fact here in New Zealand there was a bird called a Moa but that became extinct because of hunting.It is a shame that our generation missed out on seeing this amazing species.

Finally, factories, now I know I would rather see birds in the sky and tall trees, rather than a big grey building with gas steaming out of it. Now because we see gas in the sky it is causing animals to die. The gas that comes out of the massive building moves through the air and slowly into animals habitats, and obviously animals aren't going to know that their inhaling a deadly substance.

Those are my three reasons on why extinction happens, I hope you learnt something and you are going to make a change.

Do you like writing?

What is your favourite animal?

Tuesday 27 August 2019

If you love drama, read this blog!

The court theatre show!

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog, today i'm going to be telling you about our court theatre performance personally I love drama if you do to you'll love this blog. Today on the 27th of august we were lucky enough to have the court theatre come and perform us a show, sadly I cant remember the name but it was still great. First of they asked us if we believed that a coconut used to be an eel but not many of us believed them so they told us a story. It was about Maui and he wanted to become a God so he had to fight an eel to become a god the eel was the biggest monster in the world he used to be nice, he used to be friends with a lady, but the lady met more friends so the eel got mad and turned into a monster, He met the lady who was best friend with the eel to help him defeat the eel. He defeated it but the eel didn't want to die, if Maui didn't bring back the eel dead he wouldn't be a god, but if he brung the eel to the other gods the lady would lose her best friend, He left the eel there to sleep. They put a seed over him and it made a coconut tree and that's the story they told us, The show was really great and a interesting story.

Do You Like Drama?

Let's Get Crafty!

PBL Challenges!
Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog. Today I am going to be talking to you about our PBL this term. This term for our PBL we are focusing on innovation. The teachers this term have set up some challenges about innovation they are wearable arts, marble roal and balloon challenge. Today i'm going to be talking to you about my favourite challenge with  Miss Dungey's. Her challenge was wearable arts. First of we got into groups of 4 or 5, in my group I had Lily, Pieta, Ethan and Archie. Our challenge was to make formal clothes including 2 skirts, 2 jackets, 1 pair of pants and any accessories we had to make these things with using 24 sheets of newspaper 10 meters of tape and a pair of scissors. We needed to walk down the cat walk in the clothes we made and show the select committee ( AKA the audience ). I made myself a skirt, a jacket and a handbag, Pieta made herself a skirt and a bracelet, Lily made a pair of pants, shoes and earrings, Ethan made himself earrings and a bracelet and Archie made himself a bikini top, a skirt and a crown. After we made all of that stuff it was time to walk down the catwalk and strike some poses. I had heaps of fun doing this challenge.

                          Which challenge would be you favourite?

Friday 16 August 2019

Let's get our dance on!


Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog. Here at my school we had the option to do aerobics, which is a sport involving dance and gymnastics. There were six people from my school participating in the competition, they were, Eilish, Beth, Sophie, Ariella, Santara and myself. Me and Eilish did a duo, Santara and ariella did a duo and Beth and Sophie both did solos. We learnt a routine to the song everything is awesome. We had practices on a Monday lunch time and on Sunday mornings, We also had practises in our pairs or by your self but only by yourself if you are doing a solo, at the practises we went over the routine. After practising the routine over and over again it was finally time for the competition. I arrived there in my outfit and my hair up in a bun ready to dance. After watching a few dances it was Me and Eilishs turn to perform, we did the dance with smiles on our faces. After we found out we got in the finals and did the dance again. It was finally time for the awards we were announced 4th out of and Santara and ariella came 2nd ( there were 6 people in our group ) and Sophie came 3rd and Beth came first in the solo category ( out of 3 people ). Then at the end of the competition we found out we all got into nationals in Queenstown which is more great news. After a long day of dancing it was time to go home, I had a amazing day and want to do aerobics again in the future.

Do you do dance, gymnastics or aerobics?

Thursday 15 August 2019

The killer bees buzz by!!!

The Killer Bees Buzz By!!!

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog. Throughout this year we have been lucky enough to have participated in winter sport. Over the season my netball team the killer bees has had mixed success, as we have won the majority of the games and lost a few to. My team has faced many challenges like injuries and a losing some games, but we had good sportsmanship, perseverance and determination even when things didn't go our way. I'd like to thank my teammates for their support and my wonderful coach Miss Parker for her help. Throughout this season I have became a better team player and I got fitter throughout the season as I was running around the netball court a lot. The highlight of my season has to be when we played our first game as a team, because we got to know each others strengths and weaknesses on the court. It was also great that we won the game, plus the opposition team was really nice. Next year I would like to try some new positions on the netball court as I am moving up to seven a side.

What winter sport do you play?


Friday 2 August 2019

A Helmet on your head keeps you away from a hospital bed.

Cycle Safety

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog. At my school ( St Francis Of Assisi ) All of us year 6's participated in cycle safety. We learnt so many new things to keep us safe on the road. We learnt how to do right turns, left turns and ride around a round about, and we also learnt how important it is to have a helmet on our head and to have lights on our bike. We went of in groups to learn the basic skills for biking like ABBC that is a way you check your bike a is for air, b is breaks the other b is for bolts and the c is for chain. Those things are super important. Then it was time to get on the road on the first day in my group I had a instructor called Anuk and the students in my group were Cory, Lewis and myself and we just rode around a learnt a few things about being safe on the road. Then on the last day my instructor was called Jeff and in my group was Cory, Lewis, Eilish and myself then we learnt how to do turns go through intersections go around round about s and then we got a bit of free riding time just because we had learnt for a while.

Have you ever done cycle safety?

Thursday 1 August 2019

Magnificent Maths!!!

Magnificent Maths!!!

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog. In the Tumu hub lately we have continued to do maths boards ( here is a link to my post about math boards) what is math boards you may ask, well it is a piece of paper with four squares and a diamond in the middle of the paper or doc. in the diamond you write an equation and in each box there is a question to prove you know the answer in one box it says solve it numerically, solve it visually, make a word problem and lastly solve it another way. here is a picture of my most recent math board.

What type of math are you doing at your school right now?