
Tuesday 31 August 2021

Reading W6 T3

 This week for reading over google meet we have been talking about hobbies. Are hobbies important to have? I think so because they keep you busy and if you really enjoy it you could make a career out of it. Do you have to be good at your hobby? No as long as you enjoy doing it but if you want to do it professionally than yes you do have to be good at it. Our create task we got to choose I chose to talk about 10 different hobbies you can do during the lockdown that are both creative and physical. Here is my work:

What are some of your hobbies?

Wednesday 25 August 2021

Math W5 T3

This week was our first week in lock down doing online school so we've been doing zoom calls to discuss our work. This week for math our goal was to solve problems with fractions, decimals proportions and ratios using a broad range of strategies. We had to answer some word problems in our zoom call and we learnt about the a/b x c rule which we had to use in our 3 word problems we had to create. Here are my word problems:

Have you ever used this strategy before?

Reading W5 T3

 This week was our first week in lock down doing online school so we've been doing zoom calls to discuss our work. This week for reading our task was to find a text about someone famous who has a growth mindset and who shows perseverance and grit. Then we had to create a DLO showing how they did that. Here is my work:

How do you think you can show growth mindset, grit and perseverance?

Tuesday 17 August 2021


 For our PBL this term we have been focusing on happiness. We had to do some tasks related to it today I will be sharing with you my grit task I did and what grit is. Grit is where you choose to not give up even when things are hard. For the task we had to create a image and find a quote related to grit. Here is my work:

Do you have any ideas for a grit quote?

Math W4 T3

 This week for math we have been learning about ratios and rates. In my workshop we got even a tray of M&Ms and had to find the ratios of things like yellow - orange and blue - brown. Next we had to answer 5 problem solving questions then we had to pick a question we were most confident with then make a step by step google drawing on how to figure it out. Here is my work :

Does these step by step instructions help you understand the question?

Te Reo W4 T3

This week for te reo we have been going over the months in maori they are: January - Kohitātea, February - Huitanguru, March - Poutūterangi, April - Paengawhāwhā, May - Haratua, June - Pipiri, July - Hōngongoi, August - Hereturikōkā, September - Mahuru, October - Whiringa-ā-nuku, November -Whiringa-ā-rangi, December - Hakihea. Our create task was to make a slideshow about at least 7 important dates in our life here is mine:

What are some important dates to you?

Thursday 5 August 2021

Writing W2 T3 - Persuasive writing

 This week for writing our task was to write a 3 paragraph persuasive text on a quote and whether we were for or against it. I chose to do, "Happiness is a choice." Here is my work:

Happiness is a choice

Paragraph 1:

I agree with this statement because I truly believe that everyone has the choice to be happy. Everyone has to contribute to their happiness and have the will to be happy. Being happy is more than just receiving gifts and getting what you want, being happy is choosing to keep going, not letting the negative comments get to you and pushing yourself through to be the best person you can be. 

Paragraph 2:

Happy people are not held back by negative emotions or situations, happy people choose to look past those things and realise that they are more than what others think. Since happiness is a choice which means you need to learn how to choose it. The first step is deciding to control your feelings. You must be determined to control your actions regardless of how you feel. You might not feel happy, but you need to stop dwelling on it

Paragraph 3:

Self love is one of the most important steps to being happy. Our image of ourselves has a great impact on our happiness. Doing self love exercises can help a lot with learning to love yourself. As John Spence once said, “Be happy. Be yourself. If others don’t like it, let them be. Happiness is a choice. Life isn’t about pleasing everybody.”

Do you think happiness is a choice?