
Friday 31 January 2020

Week 4- Day 2- Activity 1

For this activity, please give us a list of your ‘Top 5’ favorite artists (singers or bands) and your ‘Top 5’ favorite songs. They can be from any time period and any genre (type) of music.

On your blog, post lists of your Top 5 Artists and your Top 5 Songs.

My top 5 artists/songs-


  1. Camila Cabello- Because her voice is great and I could listen to her music all day!
  2. Shawn Mendes- Because he is amazing and I love his songs!
  3. Taylor Swift- Because her music has good vibes and she is a great singer in general!
  4. Billie Eilish- Because she has a great voice and doesn't care what people think!
  5. Selena Gomez- Because she has a big heart and is great at what she does!


  1. Someone You Loved- This song is from Lewis Capaldi I love it cause the music is great!
  2. My Oh My- This song is from Camila Cabello I love it because just gets me into a good mood!
  3. When the party's over- This song is from Billie Eilish I just love her voice and the lyrics!
  4. ME!- This song is from Taylor Swift I love it cause its saying your yourself and nobody else!
  5. Shallow- This song is from Lady Gaga & Bradley Cooper they just sound great singing together!

Who is your favorite singer and why?

Friday 24 January 2020

Week 4- Day 1- Activity 3

For this activity, we would like you to imagine that you have a diary. In your diary please write a story about your most extraordinary day. What happened? You can tell us about an actual event or you can make one up. It’s totally up to you! Please be as creative as you can.

On your blog, post a diary entry about your extraordinary day. Please start your post with the words “Dear Diary”.

*Please check out the Eye-Catching Blog Posts page for ideas!

My Story In My Diary-
Dear Diary,
Today was an extraordinary day! I got up at the crack of dawn and started of the day with a plate of 3 very sugary pancakes before leaving to go to the pool on this amazing hot summers day! I left my house at 8 sharp and rushed over to my neighbors pool and there I found my friend Lily standing outside of the pool waiting for me, we dived in the pool and had a blast, we played in the pool for a hour or 2 before Lily's mum yelled out from upstairs who wants ice cream! Me and Lily sprinted out of the pool and walked ourselfs down to the diary which was just around the corner. I asked politely for a cookies n cream ice cream in a cone Lily asked for the same and before we knew it they were in our tummy's and it was time for me to go home. I waved Lily and her mum goodbye as I walked just next door to my house!
I had a great time today.

Image result for anne frank writing in her diary

What was your most extraordinary day and why?  BTW- this story was made up.