
Tuesday 10 September 2019

Super Sport!!!

Super Sport!!!

Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog, today I'm going to be talking to you about our sport day. On the 5th of September we were lucky enough to have the NZ institution of sport come to us and let us play fun games, our instructors were Millie and Junior. They games we got to play were multi sport, the sports we played were netball, netball with a tennis ball, basketball and touch. My favourite was netball because I play netball. The next thing we did was an obstacle course there was a moon hopper you had to jump on, there was a yoga ball that you had to do plank on, there was a tunnel, a balance board, hurdles, a hola hoop, a bing bag toss,  and lastly a skipping rope. We had to do these activities in order at least 2 times. After that we got to do rugby tackles, we had to run up against Junior and push him back as far as we could. After that we went outside ( even though it was raining ) and ran up against a squishy poll thingy and then catch a rugby ball then bash up against Steve ( a helper ) with the ball then we throw the ball back at Junior, and then we slid in the mud, it was epic. This was such a great experience.

Do you enjoy doing sports?

Friday 6 September 2019

How Has Technology Changed The Way We Learn?

Explanation writing!
Hello and welcome back to Megan's blog, today I will be talking to you about my most reason piece of explanation writing. Everyone in my home base had to write about how has technology changed the way we learn. Here is my piece of writing...

How has technology changed the way we learn?
Over the years of schooling, education has rapidly evolved.

The introduction of technology has changed the way students learn and the way teachers teach. The first piece of technology put in schools was way back in the 1980s when some high schoolers used computers to learn. But before that around the 1930s students used to write in books with a feather dipped in ink, then pens and pencils were later introduced. Students didn’t have access to the internet so they studied with lots of books. This would have been hard for them because they had no choice in how they learned, for example, we have the choice to do our math boards on paper or online. Students may have felt bored or tired because of how often they had to read throughout the day. 

Nowadays we use Chromebooks to help us learn because we have access to the internet which makes learning easier for us. Although we use our Chromebooks most of the day, we still use pens and pencils when we work in our books. We also have projectors to cast our learning, and even TV’s ( televisions ). 

Finally I would like to talk to you about the differences inside the classroom. Back in the 1930s classrooms had a chalkboard, although we still have chalkboards, in the classroom we have white boards. Another thing is desks, back in the day students had an assigned seat were they had to sit every day because all there books belonged underneath their desk. Nowadays since we have a portable device, we can sit anywhere we want because we have lots of huge tables. Students back in the day may have felt lonely and may have became very independent, because they had to sit by themselves all the time.

Those are my reasons on how technology has changed the way we learn!

Do you enjoy writing?