
Friday 18 June 2021

Math Knowledge W7 T2

 This week we needed to complete a math knowledge task the goal I did was - "Know groupings of 10's, 100's & 1000's in 7 digit numbers." Here is my work:

Do you understand this math?

Reading W7 T2

 This week for reading in our workshop we got to lay down and listen to our teacher miss Newbould read us a text. Our task this week was to write about a mundane activity you do everyday and write about it using the 5 sense see, hear, smell, touch & taste. 

My work:

What mundane activity do you do everyday? 

Friday 11 June 2021

Reading W6 T2

 This week for reading we had to read a book and to a character description. I read Harry Potter & the philosophers stone. Here is my work:

Which is your favourite Harry Potter book?

Math W6 T2

 This week for math we have been doing area, perimeter and volume. We had to answer 5 questions for each thing. Our create task was to create a game/obstacle and get the area and perimeter of the game, here is my work:

Do you think perimeter or area is easier?